Domestic Worker Employment Guide

A Domestic Worker is defined as “any worker or independent contractor who performs domestic work in a private household and who receives or is entitled to receive pay.” This definition includes gardeners, cleaners, drivers, and caretakers of children or the elderly. Read the full article here

Exploring the World of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Trading

Introduction As we anticipate the Minister of Finance’s Budget speech, there is a buzz surrounding Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading in the Garden Route. While I am not an expert in this field nor qualified to give financial advice, I found the information intriguing and it got me thinking about the potential of cryptocurrencies as a […]

Be Vigilant Follow Up

Following the article in the George Herald of 26 October 2023 in which I had raised concerns regarding water tariffs and other matters, George Municipality had not responded to me by 27 October 2023 as indicated that they would. Read the full post here…

Be vigilant… scrutinize your municipal account with a hawk’s eye

Transparency exists when exercising power and authority is made open to interrogation and scrutiny… Be vigilant… scrutinize your municipal account with a hawk’s eye. Have you noticed in your September 23 account from George Municipality that you were billed for 56 days of water usage and are now paying “penalty rates” for water usage? This […]