Be vigilant… scrutinize your municipal account with a hawk’s eye

Transparency exists when exercising power and authority is made open to interrogation and scrutiny…

Be vigilant… scrutinize your municipal account with a hawk’s eye.

Have you noticed in your September 23 account from George Municipality that you were billed for 56 days of water usage and are now paying “penalty rates” for water usage? This is based on a 1-month reading calculation instead of being aggregated over 2 months with no applicable penalties!
Have you noticed that the increase in water tariffs exceeds 24% against the published 11% by the municipality?

As I have received no feedback from the municipality, I can only assume that my calculations are correct. We demand full disclosure as to why this unjust water billing practice was applied with the September municipal billing, an investigation through MPAC into the implementation of the smart water meter project and we require answers to previous questions posed.

Read the full article here…