“Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu” or “I am because we are.”
Conversation is focussed on creating an understanding of various points of view to address our socio, ecological, and economic status and well-being.
During the conversation thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered, and new and at times controversial information is exchanged. We have realized that during the conversation whether within the business or social environment needs to be encouraged irrespective of potentially being “controversial” as being controversial to some is not to others.
The Conversation could range from a reward, performance, learning, industrial relations, financial achievements, and other business matters to more topical such as the energy crisis, environmental degradation, inclusive economy, and pressing socio-economic and ecological of nature.
On Business Café’s YouTube channel, you can view our facilitated conversations.
Call-to-action initiatives from the Conversation include workshops on framing the “challenge” and providing solutions on: